Full Wind Turbine Aeroelastic Modelling using GENUVP free wake code
Wake reaction to the vibrations undergone by the blade
Wind Turbine wake developement in the case of a high yaw misalignment of 32(deg)
Wind Turbine wake developement in the case of an extreme shear (shear exponent 0.55). Wake highly skewed, significant downwash velocities of the wake near the rotor plane.
Load predictions for a 500kW wind turbine and comparison against measurements (mean and fatigue)

(a) Azimuth variation of the flapwise bending moment at the blade root
(b) Cumulative spectrum of the fatigue loads (rainflow counting)
Stability predictions and comparison with measurements for a 2.75 MW variable speed, pitch regulated wind turbine

(a) Predictions of the 1st lead-lag regressive mode frequency
(b) Predictions of the 1st lead-lag regressive mode damping

Measurements conducted by RISOE under EU funded project ENK5-CT2002-627